Some of our good stories and lots of inspiration

About Hjejleselskabet

Hjejleselskabet serves as the gateway to the Silkeborg Lake District from the water. It provides a unique access point to stories of culture and natural history in one of Denmark’s most beautiful natural areas. The purpose of the company is to share our local surroundings with residents and visitors by being excellent hosts to those who wish to experience, enjoy, and learn more about the Silkeborg Lake District.

Æbleskivesejlads på Silkeborgsøerne

Mågen er forvandlet til et juleskib, der emmer af julehygge.
Nyd Danmarks smukkeste omgivelser fra søsiden omgivet af julelys,
funklende juleudsmykning og duften af æbleskiver, gløgg og varm kakao.

Juleminder for hele familien!