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Event Cruise

Boat trip during the autumn school holiday, for the whole family

Experience the Lake Highlands as the colors change!

Boat trip during the autumn school holiday, for the whole family

Wednesday, 16 October 2024, 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM

Departure from Silkeborg Harbor: Sejsvej 2, 8600 Silkeborg

Price: DKK185

In the company of

Denmark's most beautiful nature

We are happy to tailor the event with the perfect menu and take care of everything on the day, so you can sit back and enjoy the party with your guests while the boat glides slowly through the water in the most beautiful surroundings.

Æbleskivesejlads på Silkeborgsøerne

Mågen er forvandlet til et juleskib, der emmer af julehygge.
Nyd Danmarks smukkeste omgivelser fra søsiden omgivet af julelys,
funklende juleudsmykning og duften af æbleskiver, gløgg og varm kakao.

Juleminder for hele familien!